The goal is for students to have a general understanding of the important grammatical constructions in Chinese and to be able to conduct independent research in this area. This course offers an initial review of the organization of grammar, followed by an examination of the essential parts-of-speech in the language. We then explore in more depth a selected range of important grammatical constructions, including topic and topicalization, word order, complementation and verb subcategorization, double-object and gei3, ba3, bei4, word structure and argument structure, A-not-A questions, verb-copying, and iconicity, among others.
Huang, Li, and Li
Her: Book on VO Interaction
Her: TOPIC as a GF
Huang: Argument Structure
Her: S-O Inversion
Tai: Resultative in CG
Hu et al: Finite vs. Non-finite
Annotated Bibliographies
On UG & P&P: Chomsky at Google
UG of Morals-Marc Hauser
Marc Hauser on YouTube
Lang Instinct: Steven Pinker (starts at 23:00)
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